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Here I listed the most unique , useful & must need VSCode extensions for Angular development.
Using angular cli commands you can easily scaffold and build the angular application. Here I list and discuss the commands available in angular cli. As you know Angular development approach changes and the architecture got numerous improvements after the latest release. Along with that the angular/cli also upgrade to support
Understanding webpack configuration with example codes is much easier than a detailed paragraph. Recently Angular [Latest version] also use webpack for bundle the application. You can use webpack with any of the latest Javascript libraries like react to bundle the application. Here I add webpack configuration file and explain the concept and configuration
In this tutorial, I am going to explain how to send Push Notification in Ionic Apps in a simple and more efficient way. Here am using Firebase Cloud Messaging (Google Cloud Messaging) for Android push notification and OneSignal to manage more segments for push notification to users and various platforms.
TypeScript isn’t completely a new language, it is a super script of ES6 (ECMA script 6) and it is an official collaboration between Microsoft & Google. ES6 is an advanced version of ES5 ( regular javascript). TS or ES6 is not completely supported by all the browsers as
Angular 2 to Angular 4 upgrade is much easier than you imagine. Minimal changes in your package.json and tsconfig.json is enough to run your app developed in angular 2. As Angular has backward compatibility which runs previous release apps in the new upgraded version. Angular 2 to Angular 4 Pakage.json changes For
Recently I get with a requirement to dynamically change input box width respective to the placeholder length. Now I am going to give a small heads up about use case and how I accomplished the task. Mission: This application is developed with angularJs. As it has multiple language support
Folks this time lets make some fun with implementing product image zoom for e-commerce site by using jQuery and customizing some jQuery plugins. Now lots of new frameworks and libraries available for the JavaScript. Even though jQuery still hold its better position. It is still used because of its flexibility
Localize your Angularjs Project is so simple, Angularjs has its own l10n & i18n scripts which are responsible for localizing the date, number and currency into your project but it has some restrictions with it. If you want to load specific locale library from angular js it can be done
Google chart visualization provide multiple varieties of charts to addressing your data visualization needs. The good things about the Google chart are it had lots of customization option and also it is absolutely free to integrate and use with your web application. Google chart includes lots of inbuilt customization