Handy Tool to compare, validate, extract & merge JSONs

I got into a case where am need to check the keys and the values for the JSON object in our project which is dropped at an even interval with updated key and values.  It is tough to identify the newly updated values and newly added keys ion the latest drop as each json holds huge number keys.  This  VEM JSON tool assists in resolving this issue.

This tool has some unique functionality like extract the non-identical Keys, Values into a separate object by comparing the source and the destination JSON. This saves time and the have high accuracy level compare to manual extraction/merging techniques while working with multilingual JSONs.

Online Tool:


Git Url:



Json merging tool - screenshot

VEM JSON Tool Options

  • Compare Two JSON and Extract missing keys as a new Object.
  • Compare Two JSON and Extract keys with non-identical values and as a new Object
  • Option to merge the extracted object with Source JSON / Destination JSON
  • Add custom prefix to all the values of the Extracted JSON
  • Validate, Minify / Beautify the JSON
  • Display’s the total number of keys exist in source/ destination / extracted JSON
  • Supports multi-dimensional JSON.

Problem with Existing Tools available

  • No option to extract the Missing keys, non-Identical values as separate object
  • Merge Option are not easy and flexible
  • No option to add a prefix to the extracted values.

Solution from this Tool

  • using this tool developer can update the new key, value pair in Base resource file only, the missing keys (newly added) are extracted using the tool by comparing the old version with latest version using compare key Then those extracted keys are merged with the appropriate lingual resource file with a prefix.
  • Vem JSON tool gives High accuracy level and faster than the conventional method.
  • Developers can compare the Base (English) JSON with other lingual to identify the missed translations using compare key option and they can add a prefix to the value of extracted JSON if required. Finally, they merge the Extracted JSON with the Destination.
  • To identify and extract the values updated in the latest Drop, Developers can compare the old lingual files with the latest lingual file of using the Compare Value option in the tool.
  • The tool itself holds validation option which validates the JSON.

Additional Options

  • This tool holds JSON Error position highlighter.
  • While comparing the Keys, Extracted JSON holds the value from Source which makes the translator’s job easy.
  • While comparing the Values, Extracted JSON holds the value from the destination as it had the latest value.
  • The user can cross check the missing object counts as it displays Total key count of the JSON.
  • Pick the JSON file from your local disk for comparison.
  • Interchange Source / Destination option allow the user to interchange the source and destination JSONs easily at any time.
  • The user has the flexibility to merge the extracted JSON with Source or Destination as per the requirement.
  • Copy – allow the users to copy the entire final JSON available in the Result Section.
  • Users can manually edit and validate the JSON if required.
  • Using Minify / Beautify options user can increase the optimization / Readability respectively.

Please drop your valuable comments regarding this tool in the comments section.

If you feel that any new features need to be added in upcoming version add that also in the comment section.


Author: Suresh Thangarasu

UI Developer who try something new in programming and try to keep me updated with latest programming trends."In vain have you acquired knowledge if you have not imparted it to others".

2 thoughts on “Handy Tool to compare, validate, extract & merge JSONs”

  1. Wow that’s a really best tool I can say and I tried on online, however, I couldn’t reach the Git Url, could you please check it. I would like to try it.

    Thanks a lot for your amazing work!!

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