Tutorial Archive

The best programming tricks you need to learn now

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Programming is one of the most creative jobs to do. To be a good programmer, learning new tricks and being compatible with the changes in programming field is quite necessary. On daily basis, different rules and modifications are introduced in the field of programming. There is always some programming

Set the Default Value to Select in Angular 5 iterated with Array of Objects

Here, the simple and easy way to set default value to select in Angular 5 which is iterated with an array of objects. Let’s consider the below sample object which is going to iterate in the select options [ { "userName": "User1", "userId": "1", "userRole": "admin" }, { "userName":

Consolidated list of angular cli commands

Using angular cli commands you can easily scaffold and build the angular application. Here I list and discuss the commands available in angular cli. As you know Angular development approach changes and the architecture got numerous improvements after the latest release.  Along with that the angular/cli also upgrade to support

Upgrade Application from Angular 2 to Angular 4

Angular 2 to Angular 4 upgrade is much easier than you imagine. Minimal changes in your package.json and tsconfig.json is enough to run your app developed in angular 2.  As Angular has backward compatibility which runs previous release apps in the new upgraded version. Angular 2 to Angular 4 Pakage.json changes For

Setup Sass In Create-React-App Without Ejecting

Author: | Categories: CSS, React, Tutorials 1 Comment
If you are using Create-React-App module to manage your no configuration react application development environment, this guide is to setup Sass compiler into the environment without ejecting the setup. We know create-react-app comes with eject option, which will deploy all automatic confirmation to manual configuration, Even for a professional

Simple Method to Localize your Angularjs Project

Author: | Categories: Angular, JavaScript, Tutorials No comments
Localize your Angularjs Project is so simple, Angularjs has its own l10n & i18n scripts which are responsible for localizing the date, number and currency into your project but it has some restrictions with it. If you want to load specific locale library from angular js it can be done